17 February 2010

Sweet Home, Lebanon

They fight in wars
like gold fish not acclimated for sea water.
Their eyes burn like sulfur through a honey comb
and all they can think about is the lakefront home they left behind 4 months ago.
"This is nothing how I imagined war would be..." he whispered,
as smoke from a blood tinged cigarette seeped through his lips...
And its ashes fell on his finger tips like brimstone from the pits of an abyss hell nightmares of.
They will sleep and dream as humans do.
And awaken to find an empty crib, and sheets splattered with blood in the pattern of broken promises made to Choctaw chiefs.
They will pray for mercy.
It will land on steel sewn ears and an acid washed tongue of a merciless tyrant of their own making.
This is the result of their indiscretion.
Their judgment will not be swift nor short enduring
It will sear the fingertips of their loins
And gunshot seeking safe refuge will nestle between their pores
Just in time for Passover.
Is your vengeance satisfied?
Or is the blood spewing from your neck just a smoke screen of rose colored tear gas and a taste of strawberry Fanta for the locals?
There’s nothing like the smell of perdition rotting in the back of a convoy on a mission for Allah and Jesus.


guitar.poet said...

um soo, this is deep! deeper than I ever remember you being!

i love this

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