11 March 2009

Daddy's Girl

He left when she was very young and still in love with the thought of life.
Tear drops pooled at the base of her chin like kamikaze snow flakes fighting for the spot nearest the sun on an inverted mountain peak.
The gravity of his void
Filled her with acid rain and maggots
He vanished like kidnapped sunshine being held hostage abaft steel clouds.
This midnight found her ill prepared
And with empty oil cruse…
She sat on the edge of a urine soaked pallet
Limbs languid
Her home had been reduced to mere soot and embers kindled by expulsion and embitterment
Passerby’s threw down nickels in passing
And she attempted to rebuild the familiar
With broken promises and half truths
Woven together with bent needle tips and 23 threads
None of which were binding.


Cocoa_Pink said...

That is deep brother man...

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