11 March 2009


Her backbone was written in cursive
And her limbs swayed like a pendulum interrupted.
When the corners of her mouth turned upward like felicity, her hands folded over her cane and her face tilted towards heaven so she could make eye contact with her babies.
She was Beauty. A testament to the winds existence...
A dainty blouse rested loosely on her weary shoulders
Skin wept and her stature was collapsing as if it were becoming re-acquainted with the soil of a familiar pasture.
Her countenance spoke of purification through persecution
Hands were full and her breaths were labored...
She was headed home.
And I wished her safe passage in passing...


Christina Grace said...

The observer and the vision...

Rea. said...

i love it stina. one of my favorites. we are going to get you a book.

Cocoa_Pink said...

It is Beautiful.. But once again. I am odd man out :(

Christina Grace said...

the comment above Sharea's that "i" left was actually from Sharrif..he's awesome guys!

just to clear that up :)

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